8 Exercises to Tighten Your Butt and Legs (One-Week Plan) - family treasured recipes
8 Exercises to Tighten Your Butt and Legs (One-Week Plan)

8 Exercises to Tighten Your Butt and Legs (One-Week Plan)

The best exercise for a tighter, toned butt is the squat and as much as we would all want to work just on our behind we should always have a balanced exercise plan which incorporates both the butt; the legs and our core. In this article we’ll show you one of the best exercise routines which revolves around 8 superb exercises for your lower body, your thigs, legs and butt. The 8 exercises below should be performed in 15-20 reps, 3-4 sets each. After just one week you’ll notice significant improvement and your backside will definitely become more attractive and luscious.

Squats are definitely the best butt exercise you can perform, but to alter the routine and change things up, you should add some other exercises to lift the backside from all angles.

Here are the 8 best exercises to tighten the legs and butt- perform each of them for 15-20rrepetitions, in 3-4 sets. They will engage all muscles in the glutes and thus help you to straighten the buttock and get an attractive backside :

Side Lunge

Stand with the feet together, and hold dumbbells in the hands. Then, step the right foot diagonally out to the side, switching the weight to the right leg, and keep the other leg straight.

Press through the heel, stand up, and return the right leg to the initial position. Repeat and switch legs.

Split Squat

You should start 2 feet away from a chair or bench, and with all the weight in the right foot, reach the other foot behind you and place it on the chair.

With the weight still on the front foot, lower into a lunge position. Press through the front heel to straighten the leg to standing, and switch legs.

Single Leg Deadlift

In a standing position, with the feet together and dumbbells in the hands, shift the weight into the right foot, and with the back straight, hinge at the hips and raise the left leg in order to position the torso parallelly to the floor.

Press through the heel, engage the hamstring, and straighten back up to standing. And switch legs.

Resistance Band Glute Kick Back

Start onto all fours, and hold on the handles of a resistance band. Wrap it under the arch of the right foot, shift the weight to the left a bit, and press the right leg back to become parallel to the floor. Switch legs and repeat

Step Ups

Start about six to twelve inches away from a chair, and place the right foot on it. Pressing through the heel, step onto it, and straighten the leg. Then, lower the other foot to the floor. Switch sides and repeat.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Lying on the back, with the feet flat on the ground, parallel and hip-distance apart, stretch the left leg up to the ceiling, and press the heel with the right leg in order to lift the hips up. Then, lower the hips back down and repeat.

Resistance Band Hydrants

Either grab an exercise band loop or tie a resistance band into a circle. Arrange an exercise band loop on the thighs, just above the knees, and start onto all fours on the mat.

Shift the body weight into the left side, and with the help of the abductors (outer thigh muscles) raise the right knee a few inches off the ground and out to the side. Repeat and switch sides.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

Lower down to the mat, lay on the back, with the feet on a stability ball, and stretch the legs out, Lift the hips into a plank position, dig the heels into the ball, roll it towards the glutes and elevate the hips higher. They should be aligned with the knees and the shoulders.

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