This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look Years Younger - family treasured recipes
This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look Years Younger

This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look Years Younger

Let’s face it- we all suffer from some skin issue, at least during some period of our life.

This article will reveal the recipe of an extremely effective natural face cleanser, based on coconut oil and baking soda, which has the potential to treat all kinds of skin problems.

Its preparation is simple, and it can be used to treat redness, acne, scars, to remove dirt and dust, or as a scrub, to eliminate the dead cells on the skin. Moreover, it cleanses the pores and removes acne and blackheads once and for all!

Its efficacy is due to the amazing properties of its ingredients, baking soda and coconut oil, both of which are natural and safe to use.

Coconut oil has potent antibacterial properties, moisturizes the skin, and heals, and it contains and ingredient which rejuvenates the skin and prevents health issues. Additionally, baking soda prevents acne, and maintains the pH levels of the skin, due to its amphoteric structure.

This is how to prepare it:

2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil
A teaspoon of baking soda (aluminum-free)
Method of preparation:

Mix the two ingredients in a bowl, until you get a smooth paste.

Gently rub the affected skin areas with this paste, leave it to act for 5-6 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water. While doing so, you can slowly rub the skin once more. Since coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, you do not need to add a cream afterward.

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